What a weekend...long, and not a good long...had my full time employee take off to Calgary to use "free" Grey Cup tickets....put me in for long hours at the shop and by the time I'm outta here will be 11 days straight...not fun....oh well we'll deal with him when he's back....
Looking very forward to seeing the kids and Sam this weekend...should have a few surprises for all involved ;)
Having some, of course, money issues with the ex but whatever...not much I'll do about it now...
Bay's hockey coach's dad is in the hospital awaiting heart surgery, sounded like a pretty scary scene on the ice but all sounds good, and hopefully should pull through better than ever
It's funny how these times remind you of how precious our gift of life is and to make sure you tell everyone important to you that you love them which I do anyways on a daily basis...I've come a long way in the two years that Pam and I split and thanks to some great friends, Pastor Tim, and accepting God into my life, I've seen things in a better light, controlled my emotions better, my anger, and the way I approach life.
My kids are better off because of it, Sam and I will benefit from it, so I'm glad it happened, I am and will be a happier person from it.
There's been a lot of comparison or more so emphasis on who Turk is....or who people think Turk is...I am who I am...I'm not the same guy you knew in High School, I'm not the same guy that got married in 1994 or had kids in 1995....I"m not the same guy I was 2 years ago or even last week...THANK GOODNESS!!! I am still that guy from all those years but all those life experiences taught me so much, all my poor decisions, all my mistakes, all of it has made me who I am today cause I decided to learn from everything I did...does that make me a bad person now? Hell no, it makes me a better person...Yes I drank when I was younger, yes I was an angry ass too, but I've never had a drinking problem or physically hit anyone....I could right now get angry and upset with my ex regarding the money issue but really that's not the road I want to travel, like I said it will work itself out...I'm not trying to be stuck up or better than anyone, the only person I want to be better than is me, everyday challenging myself to be a better person than I was yesterday....I still make mistakes, I falter I'm not perfect....but I"m human....to hear things about me and not ask me about them is judging me, if ya wanna know ask me....see for yourself....take the time to get to know me....my marriage was 50% my fault...although it wasn't good I stayed true to my beliefs and my vows and never strayed and never wanted anything but for it to work....it didn't...I took that time to fix Turk, who he was, how he handled life...and to help my kids through a crappy time....I did that and thankful I did that....in to my life walked Sam and she's been one of the most amazing people to ever touch my heart, and my kids hearts...we have been through the rumour mill and a lot has been said about us...enough that either one of us could have walked and wouldn't have blamed the other.... but we've stood by one another, been very open and honest, and feel there's something there worth fighting for....Sams quite a bit younger than I am but as a person she's very much my equal if not more....she's a great role model for my kids, and I can't imagine my life without her and I was very close to losing her.....there was no one's approval that I needed for Sam although my kids opinions were very high on my list....I'll never apologize for wanting to be happy and finding happiness in Sam...I"m not trying to relive my youth, or be young again, I've said it for a while, I'm in my pursuit of happiness and with Sam, my kids, the move to Saskatoon, I'm well on my way...I deserve it and damn proud to be where I am, thanks to my friends, Pastor Tim, God, Sam and my kids....
see ya when I see ya!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
At work
ya ya I know but it's not busy right now and i'm the boss so I can blog :p
quiet week, been busy working the shop and cleaning the shop and selling stuff so it's becoming more and more mine everyday, and they pretty much leave me to do what I do, I have a budget I need to follow, and that includes everything from wages to stock so I'm well under budget but have a lot of spending to do and i don't even come close to using all my wages budget, not that I wanna give that up but at least I'm not over.
Trying to plan my trip to Mb....it's almost been a month since I've seen the kids and I'm looking at going on Friday already but we'll see....and come back home Monday...
Other than that not much new, I know what the kids are getting for xmas and they'll be pretty pumped...it's not much but it's never been about much....I just wanna be with them that's all I need....
back to sharpening...this little bit has taken about an hour and a half lol
see ya when I see ya
quiet week, been busy working the shop and cleaning the shop and selling stuff so it's becoming more and more mine everyday, and they pretty much leave me to do what I do, I have a budget I need to follow, and that includes everything from wages to stock so I'm well under budget but have a lot of spending to do and i don't even come close to using all my wages budget, not that I wanna give that up but at least I'm not over.
Trying to plan my trip to Mb....it's almost been a month since I've seen the kids and I'm looking at going on Friday already but we'll see....and come back home Monday...
Other than that not much new, I know what the kids are getting for xmas and they'll be pretty pumped...it's not much but it's never been about much....I just wanna be with them that's all I need....
back to sharpening...this little bit has taken about an hour and a half lol
see ya when I see ya
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Frick! so today I was downloading a new version of Blackberry Messenger and I don't know what happened but my Blackberry got wiped and I lost all my info....all my numbers all my everything so needless to say I'm less than impressed....that's a load of info I just lost and will never get it all back.....
Talked to Sam on the phone as I wanted to hear her voice, she was having a rough start to the day so I tried to shine a little light into her day....I miss her more everyday and can't wait to see her, the kids, Bay play hockey....will be too short a visit but I'll be back there just a couple weeks after that again for xmas.....work is getting a bit better as stock rolls into my store....
busy week again this week, putting in a few hours...as a couple of the boys are off to hockey tourny's this weekend but then the next weekend I'm in mb....
Rider pride is running deep in this city and they have some pretty passionate fans....I'll never be one but hat's off to a well played western final and fans that never shut up.....I mean give up.....LOL.....
well that's it for now, short and sweet....
see ya when I see ya....
Talked to Sam on the phone as I wanted to hear her voice, she was having a rough start to the day so I tried to shine a little light into her day....I miss her more everyday and can't wait to see her, the kids, Bay play hockey....will be too short a visit but I'll be back there just a couple weeks after that again for xmas.....work is getting a bit better as stock rolls into my store....
busy week again this week, putting in a few hours...as a couple of the boys are off to hockey tourny's this weekend but then the next weekend I'm in mb....
Rider pride is running deep in this city and they have some pretty passionate fans....I'll never be one but hat's off to a well played western final and fans that never shut up.....I mean give up.....LOL.....
well that's it for now, short and sweet....
see ya when I see ya....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Birthday #
So, today was my Birthday...well I guess technically it's over...but I woke up to Bar B Q spare ribs cookin in the kitchen from mom.....I went to work and went right into meetings, got some things accomplished in the meetings, left work shortly around 6 and came home for some leftovers...I LOVE RIBS....then went to see Ricki's son play hockey....I've never met him so it was good to go see him....good little goalie and a nice kid...was nice to meet him...also saw Ricki's little brother, who's not so little anymore and her dad who I was scared of as a kid.....he smiles more now lol....after the game Ricki and Quincy and I went for a couple of birthday drinks to wind up my day.....the highlight of my day was my baby girls calling me to wish me a happy birthday and Jenn and Bay although Bay just told me about his day and never did say happy birthday lol.....had many many birthday wishes on facebook from so many great friends and from Sam who means more to me than anyone besides my kids.....so for a guy missin his kids and Sam....it was a pretty good 29th birthday ;)....it's my 9th 29th birthday btw...hahhahahaha
see ya when I see ya
see ya when I see ya
Monday, November 16, 2009
The week to come
So last week ended on a better note than I had last posted...the kid that was "supervising" the shop came in for a shift and was a huge help to me in getting orders placed...hopefully this week I should start seeing some stock in my shop. Didn't do much on the weekend...hung out with Raelene and the girls after work on Friday....watched Kenny's hockey game on Sat....got called into work on Sunday as one of my kids didn't show up for his shift....we'll take care of that today....Sunday was back at Rae's for Sunday supper which was fantastic and hopefully a weekly tradition....still no damn payday....ugh....I don't think I could be more broke....thursday I think finally....can't wait! so it's now Monday....I'm heading into work soon...won't be there all day as I worked 5 hours yesterday and it's my last week to "float" in the shop...oh and I'm turning 29 on Wed again...no big deal....just a work day....missin my kids, missin Sam..can't wait to see them all in a couple weeks....anyways...that's it for now....
see ya when I see ya
see ya when I see ya
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
so work is totally frustrating...my store has no stock...and to get stock you have to jump through so many damn hoops and I'm working on an old outdated DOS system until my windows based system comes early in the new year and ya...pulling my hair out.....but on a bright note, I was able to talk to all 4 kids on the phone today...first time I've talked to my girls since I left..."we've just been so buys" says Brooklyn....hearing their voices made everything better...
Below I"m going to attach a poem my daughter wrote for a school project and it's about my girlfriend....my daughter has a huge heart and an amazing talent to write....
see ya when I see ya
Jen's Poem "Fox!"
A family member just quickly added on...
A friend, always there when you're in need...
An older sister to have comfort from...
A mom to yell at you when dad can't...
A babysitter when plans get crazy...
The girl you introduce as"my dad's awesome girlfriend"...
A person you call at two in the morning just to say
"When are you coming home from work...?
I miss you"...
Someone who when you ask for lunch because you're starving
realizes she can only make a grilled cheese...
She someone who you can just get in the car with,
crank the music and go...
A person you just have to have around...
A person you love...
and a person...
named Fox...<3
Below I"m going to attach a poem my daughter wrote for a school project and it's about my girlfriend....my daughter has a huge heart and an amazing talent to write....
see ya when I see ya
Jen's Poem "Fox!"
A family member just quickly added on...
A friend, always there when you're in need...
An older sister to have comfort from...
A mom to yell at you when dad can't...
A babysitter when plans get crazy...
The girl you introduce as"my dad's awesome girlfriend"...
A person you call at two in the morning just to say
"When are you coming home from work...?
I miss you"...
Someone who when you ask for lunch because you're starving
realizes she can only make a grilled cheese...
She someone who you can just get in the car with,
crank the music and go...
A person you just have to have around...
A person you love...
and a person...
named Fox...<3
Monday, November 9, 2009
So obviously I'm home from Toronto...flight was uneventful thank goodness....took Friday off and caught up on some much needed sleep. Went into work Sat and met a couple more of my staff...good kids....my shop however is a freaken mess, stock that I need is next to nill and I have too much old, over priced crap that I'm going to have to clear out somehow...so needless to say I shouldn't be bored at work....after work Sat I went and helped Raelene move some stuff into the new place and put together her new chairs....Sunday headed back to her place @ 10am and moved the little stuff she didn't want to bother the neighbours with....she has a gorgeous new place....so off to work to start my first full week in my store....hopefully I won't pull all my hair out the first week....
see ya when I see ya.....
see ya when I see ya.....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Well it's been another long day but I got the green light on a skate sharpening trick from one of the best in the biz, so thanks Tomm for that.....I'm in Toronto tonight, right close to the airport at the Holiday Inn and although I have to leave here by 6:30 I"m in the air by 8:15 and home just about 10:40......I got to tour 2 more Canlan rinks and they were unreal....I got some shirts and a jacket so I'll at least look official when I head to work lol.....Sam's had a tough day and I wish I was there to help her out and I hope she does what's best for her and damnit I hope it's with me but it's her call.....signing off and heading back home.....talk to you soon.....
Ontario 2
Nothing really new to report....lots of work, spent all day yesterday at Scarborough in the shop again and feeling a bit of information overload....today I'll spend a little more time there and then taking off around 8. They're gonna drive me through Toronto by the water to see a bit more of the city on our way to the hotel by the airport and then a little sleep before an early flight....see ya
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So 5 a.m. came waaaaay too fast today, but after saying good bye to Sam I headed to the Saskatoon airport and all was good, we were airborne by 6:30 and the flight was uneventful.....Toronto looks huge from the air...saw the C.N. Tower by air....oh and no pics cause in the move I have not found my camera yet :(. I was picked up and brought to Oshawa where I'm staying at the Best Western....from there we went for lunch to Denny's and there was some entertainment in the parking lot but that's not pg rated. Came back to the hotel to sort of rest and shower and then I was off to Scaroborough to work in the rink there. It was a good day, I learnt some stuff, worked the till, made some sales, and actually learnt some stuff about skate sharpening.....I've been up since 5 sask time and it's 1:15 ont time now so I'm gonna end this off and get some sleep finally.....will update you tomorrow after another day in Scaroborough. The picture is the rink I am training in in Ont.
Monday, November 2, 2009
First day of work.....
So, the first day of work has come and gone and it was a pretty long day.....lots of paperwork, lots of reading, and two bullshit session....those were my favorite....my boss and I seem to be on the same page with where we wanna see the hockey shop go so that excites me and once I'm comfortable there it's mine to do with as I please to improve biz.....I'm packed and ready to work, work, work in Toronto....not looking forward to get up at 5 a.m. I also have to say goodbye to Sam as she leaves for Manitoba around noon tomorrow and I'm really not looking forward to not having her with me. She makes it feel so good, everything seems right here and now she and my kids will be far away....that's not good, but hopefully I'll have all the pieces to my puzzle back before I know it......I'm gonna go spend as much time as I can with her and I'll try to update you as Toronto goes but I can't find my camera so there may be no pics :(
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